The Full-Service Power of LI & NYC’s Bioheat® Fuel Dealers

When you count on NYSEC's Bioheat fuel dealer members, you get more than reliable and affordable Bioheat fuel delivery. Behind many of our dealer members is the power of full-service!

Full-service Bioheat fuel dealers give New York City and Long Island homeowners more bang for their buck by providing additional services that go hand in hand with home comfort. These additional services can include…

Service Plans

Your home heating equipment is an investment that should be protected in order to keep it running efficiently and reliably. With a service plan, many of your furnace or boiler’s parts and repairs are covered. Many plans also include annual tune-ups, which are vital to maintain the equipment.

Price Protection

It’s one thing to deliver Bioheat fuel, it’s another to help customers manage their fuel costs with comprehensive price protection plans. Many dealers offer locked in prices, price caps, and budget plans that spread fueling costs evenly through the year.

Automatic Delivery

Most dealers these days provide automatic delivery of their Bioheat fuel in order to keep customers’ oil storage tanks full without requiring them to check fuel levels or call to schedule deliveries. This significantly reduces the risk of running out of fuel, which is especially important during the heating season.

Emergency Service

No matter how well you take care of your heating equipment, things can go wrong! With emergency service, many NYC and LI Bioheat fuel dealers will be on the clock 24-7 in order to take care of any issues that may arise.

Do you have a reliable Bioheat fuel dealer lined up for the heating season?

Not all dealers provide the same extra services, so be sure to find the right dealer! If you haven’t yet found a NYSEC Bioheat fuel dealer member that offers the services you’re looking for, you can use our website to find local dealers in your area! For any assistance in finding a dealer or answering any questions about Bioheat fuel, contact us online.